Monday, January 26, 2009

One Handed Axe

Here is an aspect shot of the Chaos Warrior Axe.

Warrior with the Axe

With a Skull Emblem embedded in the Axe, it gives a greater sense of dread to the weapon. But it is the sheer size of the axe that will strik terror and cut easily across the enemy's armor.

The menacing feature about the figure is that this one-handed axe is bigger than normal 1-handed axe. It looks almost lose to a two handed axe but the chaos warrior is able to somehow wield it with ease. Thts the power and strength of a Chaos Warrior.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Warrior in the Dark

The next batch of pictures including the previous entry comes from my old camera. It will be the last time my old camera take pictures because my old W-50 has broken down again. With a macro feature that provides clarity of macro focus to 2 cm, it is way better in providing detail compared to my new W150 Sony Digicam.

Nevertheless, the pictures will still keep coming in. And now with the help of Joshua, my Photography partner in crime, he shall be contributing to both hobby blogs. YEAPPERS.

On another note, a new warhammer campaign has commenced with Josh and WT thick in the play again. WOOT.

Because of the rampant change and super powerups of new armys for the 7th edition Warhammer, i prefer to play condition controlled campaigns and personal games as the new armies and the additional new rules u have to research and understand on those various new armies makes things more difficults to play.

At this moment, additional memorising is just to much for me. So personal rpg and games played among friends is what im gonna stick to, on top of jus collecting and painting warhammer.

Till i get further convincing of embarking on playing Warhammer Actual again... it will be awhile.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Nice Warhammer Online Trailer

Although i have not played Warhammer Online and maybe i never will. I must say it has a very nice new trailer to it. I don't deny it looks like a really good game. But i just cant commit. On the other hand, i heard from a friend that it becomes really dry in high level. Not sure what are they gonna do about tht.

Anyway, here is the trailer

On another note, i have just completed the next batch of photoes with the Help of my friends, Josh and WT. Many were taken by Josh and a few by WT. Gotta hand it to them.

Furthermore, my fren josh will be taking up the flag to post some entries for this blog in the near future. So be on a lookout. ;)

Furthermore, the warhammer campaign has continued on. And its good to bring the excitement back during this long holidays. I am glad that Josha nd WT had a ball with regards to it. And there will be many more to come in the near future.


Monday, January 12, 2009

The Chosen

The New Chosen Figures for the Warrior of Chaos looks mean and menacing and offers a dynamic pose which i like.

Still, the original core Warriors of Chaos that could be appointed as Chosens are stillr eally cool looking.

Here we havea Chaos Warrior Chosen ready to do battle.

Chaos Warrior
I never grow tired of the Chaos Bulky Armor and Great Weapons that the Warrior wields.

Monday, January 05, 2009



As u all may noe, the new Warriors of Chaos have been out for quite sometime and the new figures loook so cool. Even better, the chaos knights that use to cost 90 dollars for 5 Knights are only a mere 36 dollar SGD now as they have been converted to plastic material which is far more cheaper. WOOT.. TO BUY or NOT TO BUY?

Really tough decision. Becos i always wanted to finish up my chaos army with one last Calvary unit.

Insurmountable odd
A very cool picture concept done by both me and josh where the shadow of impending doom looms over the Imperial Crossbowman.

The shadow of the Dreaded Chaos Warrior. Look at the difference in size, with regards to the shadow.